Log in to University of Guyana Moodle 2024/2025
Login Instructions
Welcome to the University of Guyana - Moodle 2024-2025
To access last year's courses (2023/2024), please login to Moodle at https://moodle-legacy.uog.edu.gy/2023/login
If you are student, please ensure that you have submitted your registration for 2024/2025 to gain access to this website.
Please report any difficulties you are facing to Our Helpdesk by giving relevant details including USI / Employee ID and screenshots where applicable. We can be contacted through the email address helpdesk.sseta@uog.edu.gy. Thank you.
You can also use the following FAQ link for guidance as a student: Help me, I am a student
You can also use the following FAQ link for guidance as a lecturer: Help me, I am a lecturer
- Students: You can gain access by logging into SRMS and navigating to Manage Account => Change Password => Change Moodle Password.
Alternatively you can use the 'Set up your Password' button on the page and type in your USI or email address. - Staff: Click the 'Set up your Password' button and type in your Email address only to receive an email with a link that will allow you to set up your password.
If you have a UOG Email in HRMIS, you will receive it there, otherwise it will go to your personal email.
Alternatively, you can set up your password in HRMIS (hrmis.uog.edu.gy) through Manage Account => Change Password => Change Moodle Password.
Please note that you will only be able to access Moodle if you have been assigned a course by your HOD/Coordinator in HRMIS. - In order to access the Human Relations Course, please navigate to https://moodle-courses.uog.edu.gy/ugcourses/login
Please note that passwords will now be handled separately in Moodle from SRMS/HRMIS and can now be reset using the 'Set up your Password' button.